Spring Seals

Spring Seals

PTFE-Seals imageThe requirement for low coefficients of friction, less than .08, temperatures ranging from -300F to +550F, pressures in excess of 5000 psi, the need to seal a corrosive acid …..These are the typical kinds of factors that tell you that an elastomeric seal probably wont fit your application. Seal Science PTFE or Teflon® Seals and Seal Science Perflex perfluoroelastomer are often the answer. Possibly something as simple as a PTFE O-Ring, or a PTFE compound cap to protect the elastomer will do. Or maybe, spring energized PTFE U-Cups, like those in our Polyspring line might be needed. Many of the possible solutions can be found in our Polyking catalog. Whatever the appropriate choice may be, our PTFE engineers will be able to quickly offer you a recommendation and a quote. Check out how competitive we can be!

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